Grantville Man Charged with Drunk Driving in Fatal Multi-Vehicle Crash

charged with drunk driving

A Grantville man was arrested and charged with drunk driving for his involvement in a multi-vehicle crash that killed one person. The accident happened on Interstate-85 at about 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.  The police in Coweta County who arrived to the scene of the crash near mile marker 44 were surprised by…

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What are the Signs Police Officers in Athens, Georgia Look for During a DUI Traffic Stop?

dui traffic stop

Police officers in Athens, Georgia are trained for years on how to spot a drunk driver. Yet people still think they’ll be the one drunk driver to convince the officers that they haven’t been drinking. If you drive after having a few cocktails and see those red and blue lights come up behind you, be…

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