When someone sees blue and red lights coming up behind them, they know the inevitable is coming. The cops are going to pull you over and discover that you’re drunk or under the influence of drugs. There’s no avoiding it. However, some drivers think they can outrun the cops. That isn’t a wise thing to try, no matter what kind of trouble you think you’re going to get into. DUI suspect flees from police at 131 mph but crashes into a guardrail.
This is exactly what happened this weekend in Alpharetta, Georgia. A 33-year old man decided that it was a good idea to run away from the police rather than face the music. He was driving at least 131 mph when he was eventually pulled over.
The man in the Volvo was already speeding when the cops clocked him on their radar going 131 mph. As they began their chase, the driver started driving even faster. As they approached, the driver tried to exit at McFarland Parkway. However, he wasn’t all that successful.
The vehicle the suspect was driving crashed into the concrete median and then flipped over. The police were able to catch up to him when his vehicle crashed. Surprisingly, the suspect was able to walk away from the crash, basically unscathed.
The cops did arrest the driver and charged him with a slew of offenses. These included DUI, speeding, reckless driving, open container, and fleeing and eluding police. He will be facing a multitude of charges in court and facing some pretty stiff penalties.
If you get arrested and charged with DUI, you need to contact an experienced lawyer in Athens, Georgia. They will review your case and help you come up with a defense that works for you. Call today and schedule your initial consultation.